1. Look at the following logos and explain in your own words what you consider their positioning to be (do this for each one).

My first thought when I hear Instagram is blogging with pictures instead of words. And of course hashtags. It’s like a huge picture and video library that anyone in the world can access. People post content on Instagram to show their lifestyle, hobby, interest(s), work etc. They gain more followers, and may even get paid if they have enough followers. Some people have Instagram (and usually other social media platforms) as their part time or even full time job. People who follow other people on Instagram seek inspiration and/or entertainment, and can find their own interests on Instagram, even if it’s a small niche. Since it is totally free to create an account (and even several accounts) on Instagram, it is available for everyone in the world, as long as they got a smart phone. I believe that Instagrams target audience is young influencers, in the age 18-35.
Instagrams logo had a drastic change in 2016 when they simplified the original logo and changed the colours of the logo. The very first logo was a detailed Polaroid camera that changed a little bit in 2010 and 2011. Even though today’s logo is simplified, I think it is very recognizable and easy to understand. It also stands more out with the colours fading from warm orange to cold purple/blue.


The Mercedes star is well known all over the world, and is like «the icing on the cake» on Mercedes cars. Not long ago, I heard someone saying that the Mercedes star is the most stolen car part in the world. When I think of Mercedes, I think of luxury, status, self esteem and classy driving. My guess is that Mercedes target audience is middle aged, wealthy men with a preference in good car interior quality, as well as comfort while driving. I’ve seen the latest commercial where Mercedes promote the electric car with no other than the well-known artist The Weeknd. After a boy asks «Whoah, you drive electric?», the video shows different cars from Mercedes‘ history, in different parts of the world with a variety of people (gender, age, families ++). The commercial ends with The Weeknd answering «What do you mean, I drive a Mercedes», and the following text appears on the screen: «It’s more than electric. It’s a Mercedes». This way, Mercedes still holds on to their identity of status and luxury, as well as keeping up with today’s car technology and sustainability.


The first words that came to my mind when I saw the Mastercard logo was safe payment, reliability and great responsibility. People want their money to be safe, and want to be able to make safe transactions and purchases worldwide. This is something that Mastercard offers, and since they have been around for 54 years (Mastercard, 2020), they are reliable and trustworthy. They have also been through a lot of big changes and revolutions since they started, such as debit and credit card, the revolution of the internet and so much more. I think that is why they are so big, and why people choose Mastercard. I think their target audience is widely spread, both geographic and demographic. If I was to guess, I would think that their main target group is business people that travels a lot all over the world.
The Mastercard logo is very simple, yet recognizable. You only need the two circles and you immediately know it’s Mastercard. They have kept the same logo with the same circles and colours since the beginning in 1966 (with a few changes over the years).

2. Let’s work backwards! Look at the logo on the Apple iPhone and, by doing your own research, investigate the history of the product and the company that manufactures it. Give an outline, in your own words, of what you consider the following to be:

Describe the iPhone’s brand identity – exactly as you see it
When I think of an iPhone, I first of all think of it’s look which is stylish, sleek and modern. The shiny Apple logo is of course centered on the back of the phone, so there is no doubt that it is in fact an Apple iPhone. I think Apple iPhone speaks especially to young people who wants the newest and the best in technology as well as what is trendy at the moment.
What do you think its positioning is currently?
Today, Apple comes out with a new iPhone almost every year, or even more often. I have actually lost count of how many different versions of iPhones there is, because there is “always” a new iPhone on the market. I think that is why they are so big, because they launch new phones so often showing that they are always ahead and updated when it comes to technology. By releasing a new phone every year, Apple maintain their huge position in the market.
What do you think the strategy for this specific product was?
I think the strategy for the very first iPhone was to create something completely new that didn’t exist at the time. I have seen the launch video of the very first iPhone, where Steve Jobs explains what a phone needs, and what it doesn’t, and how they have invented a new smart phone where you use tour fingers as pointers instead of a stylus that you would lose.
What research do you think was done on this by the company who made it?
I think Apple did a lot of research on what was already on the market back in the mid 2000’s. They probably researched what their competitors did, and tried to do it even better. They must have also researched a lot about how people interact with each other, as well as how people use a phone and what is necessary and what is not when using a phone, since they removed all of the buttons and made a touch screen instead.
3. Now take the same product as in question 2 and explain, in your own words, how the visual element (in this case, the logo) fits in with the brand identity.

The Apple logo is an extremely recognizable logo that most people have a relation to, either if they love it or hate it. When I think of an apple, I first think of knowledge since it can be related to Isaac Newtons apple. Like I wrote earlier, the Apple logo is centered on the back of the iPhone. The logo on the back of the iPhone is also used in Apples other products such as Macbook, Apple TV and iPad to name a few. This way, the logo which is the visual element of the brand, connects all of the Apple products together. The interesting part is that this is actually the case when it comes to Apple’s products. For example, you can connect an Apple iPhone to an Apple TV easily, and you can log on to your Apple ID account on all kinds of Apple products – connecting them all together. In my opinion, the Apple logo is not only a visual element that people recognize, it is also a symbol that connects all of the Apple products together.