- Explain the following terms in your own words: – The Internet – HTML – Browser – Search engine
- Please research and add another 10 questions to the briefing process.(See the lesson.)
- From this list of 20 questions (your 10 added to my 10), please create the ultimate list of 10 questions that you would use for clients.
- Please upload this activity to your WordPress blog.
The internet
The internet is basically sharing information across different devices such as mobile phones, computers, TV’s etc. Nowadays you can connect almost everything to the internet, making information available so to say everywhere. For example, my printer is connected via internet, which makes it possible for me to print, scan and copy documents without having to connect the printer via a wire to my computer. I like to think of the internet like an infinite, invisible spiders web, where everything is connected in a way.

HTML is the universal language that is used to send and present information via the internet. HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is more known as coding, the way the web page is built up code by code. HTML is very often assisted by CSS and JavaScript.

A browser is an application that allows you to access the information that is on the web. It gathers the information or file from a server and displays it through your browser. Examples of the most common browsers are: Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge (formerly known as Internet Explorer) and Opera.

Search engine
A search engine is almost like a huge library that searches HTML files for keywords and picks out the most relevant result. The most known search engine is Google. You might think that when searching for something on Google, it searches the whole internet, but Google has already a database to pick from, so that it is easier and safer for you to find what you are looking for. Not all search engines are the same, for instance YouTube is a search engine for videos, and Amazon is a search engine for products.

Image source: https://pixabay.com/no/photos/s%C3%B8k-s%C3%B8kemotor-sl%C3%A5-p%C3%A5-sl%C3%A5-av-energi-2951638/
My 10 questions to the briefing process
1. Is your company on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram etc? (list down all of the social media platforms)
2. What language is your website going to be in? Are there any additional languages that you need your website to be available in?
3. What is the first thing you want your visitors to see?
4. Do you have an updated business model for your company?
5. What is the main goal with your website?
6. Do the company have any brand style guide or manual?
7. Do you have a domain?
8. List down the 5 most important contents that are going on your website
9. Do you have a folder with the company’s own photos/images in high resolution (with copyright), that can be used on the website?
10. Are you going to have a blog on your website?
The ultimate list of 10 questions
1. What kind of visitors are you expecting on your website?
2. What language is your website going to be in? Are there any additional languages that you need your website to be available in?
3. What is the first thing you want your visitors to see?
4. Who are your competitors and how do you differ from them?
5. What is your deadline for completing the site? How big is the budget?
6. Do you have any color preferences? What should the look and feel for the website be?
7. What is the main goal with your website?
8. List down the 5 most important contents that are going on your website
9. Do you have a folder with the company’s own photos/images in high resolution (with copyright), that can be used on the website?
10. Who will be responsible for maintaining the website? Will the person have the time and skills to do so?