This weeks Lesson Task was to create our personal logo based on last weeks Mood Board ( ).
I didn’t create a completely new logo, since I already have one (that I used A LOT of time to create). I started sketching the logo in 2018 in different notebooks that I used to take notes in while studying (I studied Primary School Teacher Education for one year). Back then, I was very focused on my artwork, and how to promote it so I was very inspired by paint, paint brushes, brush strokes etc. But when I think about it, graphic design and art is not that far apart, and I think the inspiration for the logo fits well even today when I work with graphic design. These are some of the sketches:

I made the logo in Illustrator in 2019. This year, May 11, 2020, my logo was registered as a trademark in The Norwegian Trademark Register ( , page 42).

I made an illustration of what my logo is inspired by, and found that the Mood Board that I made last week gave the logo even more depth and meaning.